Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 58 - 30th July 2013, Song of the Morning to Topinabee, 38.52 miles

After an amazing week at Song of the Morning it is finally time to continue our journey. We spent a wonderful time there with yoga exercise, meditation, help in the garden (beans  :-)) and kitchen (we exchanged work for our camping and meals). The people living in community here were very kind. SoM is surrounded by coniferous forests and is literally in the middle of nowhere, with a 100 year old water dam, which has now collected so much sediment that upstream looks like wetland with sand cranes and bald eagles nesting there (two of them were still sitting around), many birds, animals and plants, the beautiful Pigeon River (we canoed a substantial part of it, fighting thought fallen trees and sandbars). Ms. Indu taught us about body consciousness, meditation and some of the spiritual aspects of yoga. Quite simply it was an unusual & amazing week at an extraordinary place, unfortunately with some ordinary human problems, but hopefully they will be able to solve them, at least they were working on it quite hard.
- So we left this place about noon, not just because it was hard to leave (if we could, we would stay there much longer, but our foreigner/visa status doesn't allow that), but also because Baška was solving her never ending problems with her backpack she sent home.
- From SoM we biked to Vanderbilt and here we followed nice bike trail (not paved, but with good crashed limestone), which lead to Mackinaw City.
- We stayed for the rest of the day on this bike trail, rode thought Sturgeon Valley with nice wetlands & beaver's dam on Sturgeon river
- After Vanderbilt we past Wolverine, Indian river and ended in small vacation spot with name Toolmaker in the shore of Lake Mullett.
- Byvak in pavilion near Topinabee library with electricity, internet & toilets and absolutely no people.
- Evening reading of Harry Potter, first book - The Philosopher Stone.

- Dnes opúšťame Yoga&Retreat Center/ Ranch Song of the Morning, strávili sme tu úžasný týždeň s úžasnými ľuďmi. Za trocha pomoci v záhrade či v  kuchyni sme tu mali zadarmo parádne vegetariánske jedlo (a lá Govinda), ráno a po obede sme cvičili jogu a večer vždy bola budhistická meditácia. Okolie ranču pripomínalo Záhorie, všade samé borovice, duby, pieskové duny, mokrade. Toto miesto je takpovediac uprostred ničoho, čo znamená, že je tu viac stromov než domov (resp. domy sú od seba vzdialené takmer jednu míľu) a do najbližšieho obchoďáku je sakra ďaleko (viac ako 10 minút). Ranč má aj vlastnú “zdedenú“ priehradu, ktorá je teraz plná bahna a okrem toho, že predstavuje celkom výraznú ekologickú zaťaž, sa pomaly mení na mokraď a na večer sa tu zlietavajú žeriavy, na starej borovici hniezdia americké plešaté orly a rieka, ktorá napája priehradu je fantastická, prekajakovali sme tu nejeden deň. Po práci, ono to bola skôr zábava, všetci tu boli v pohode a nikto s ničím nestresoval, sme mali jogu a pani Indu nás učila o duchovnej stránke jogy. Takže po týždni sa nám veľmi ťažko odchádzalo, naozaj rýchlo sme zapadli do tejto komunity (a to aj napriek tomu, že nie je dokonalá). Asi by sme tu ostali až do ďalšieho leta, keby nám to víza dovoľovali.
- Vrátili sme sa späť do Vanderbiltu, kde sme sa napojili na výbornú cyklocestu, vedúcu až do Mackinaw City.
- Prešli sme cez Sturgeon Valley, popri riečke s rovnakým menom, po stranách cyklocesty boli mokrade, raz sme videli takmer dvojmetrovú bobriu hrádzu.
- Večer sme skončili v malej dovolenkovej osade menom Topinabee pri jazere Mullett
- Byvakujeme v altánku pri knižnici, je tu elektrika, internet a úplne mŕtvo.  :-)

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