Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 73 - 14th August 2013, Brule to Superior, 34.10 miles

Dnes sme sa dostali do mesta Superior, navštívili Amnicon Falls State Park s vodopádmi a bazaltovými/pieskovcovými skalami, stretli sme ďalšieho bikera Nata, čo mu bolo vyše 60 rokov a trochu sa sťažoval, že dnes mu to veľmi nešlape, ale že včera dal 114 míľ... Bol na ceste do Bostonu. V Superiori sme prespali u ďalších známych SJ-iných známych Mike and Kelsey. - in the morning in Brule we met Ron & Kathy-bikers (both motorcycles and bicycles) on vacation with their motorcycles, now on their way to Michigan
- on the way to Amnicon Falls State Park we met older guy Nate on his continued solo bike trip across USA-he restarted his trip in the same spot he had stopped a few years back. Yesterday he did 114 miles, so today was quite hard for him, uphill (our way from Ironwood is still basically downhill) and against the wind. We chatted gear and accommodations, he hops from hotel to hotel carrying not much more than a change of clothes and 2 handkerchiefs.
- Amnicon Falls were beautiful, water ran between basalt and sandstone rocks and under a lovely covered bridge
- ride to Superior was very fast, good wind and still downhill. Route 2 turned into a real highway for a mile or two, but the shoulder was a good 4 feet or so.
- in Superior we stayed with Mike and Kelsey, SJ`s Aunt Cheryl`s roommate Lori's friends (did you get that? : ). Even with such distant connections, Mike and Kelsey have been so so so generous with warm showers, couches and an air mattress, and introducing us to the Duluth Grill for an awesome dinner. They've also let us use their computer for hours while we stay with them. Doing train route research, checking emails, updating the blog and starting to look for sponsorship has kept us busy rotating through the computer seat.
-Just submitted our first application for sponsorship (to Big Agnes), so cross your fingers for us! They’re an awesome, small(ish) company with a whole list of sustainability and fair labor practices behind their products and we’d love to advertise for them. I mean seriously, check this page out: We're already using their gear (3 sleeping bags and a pad) so we'll see how that turns out!

1 comment:

  1. Look at group of people that provides showers to bikers. says lorri
