Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 91 - 1st September, Caronport-Chaplin-Morse, 62.18 miles

Zobudili sme sa do zamračeného rána, ale veľmi skoro už bolo opäť jasno a modrá obloha. Krajina okolo, pokiaľ nebola zaplevelená poliami, tak pripomínala naozajstnú prériu. Samozrejme, že pozmenenú na pasienky a namiesto bizónov iba s kravami, ale malo to ešte stále niečo zo svojej zašlej slávy. Len keby ten ostnatý drôt všade nebol... Aj keď sa jednalo o takmer arídny biotop, prekvapivo tu bolo plno jazier, mnoho z nich slaných, niektoré vyzerali ako keby boli zamrznuté. V Chapline zo slanej vody ťažili soľ, všetko tam bolo biele.V jazerách sa potuľovalo (okrem kráv) kopec  vtákov, hlavne bahniaky, videli sme aj nejaké šabliarky, hvizdáky, pelikány, čajky, lysky, kačice... Zopárkrát preletelo niečo ako kršiak, videli sme aj nejaké myšiaky a sokoly. Roviny vystriedala pahorkatina, cesta sa pozvoľna kľukatila raz poliami, inokedy zas pasienkami a prériou. Slnko do nás nemilosrdne pražilo po celý deň, blchy štípali (menší konflikt pri obede), občas nás z pol metra ofúkol kamión, skrátka romantika a pohoda skoro už “divokého“ západu.

It was cloudy morning, but very soon it was nice again. Now we entered to the real prairie, well what left. Even that land became much dryer here, there were endless fields with wheat. But pastures with cows (we didn't see any buffaloes) were huge and also endless and looked like real prairie. And there were lakes too, most of them solty, some looked like that they are frozen, but it was only salt crust. Very soon after we started to bike it was cloudless and very hot day. The flatland disappeared and we were biking through small hills and river valleys, around us were only farms and ranches. In Chaplin we had lunch in abandoned campground and I was attract by fleas, don't they spread something like bubonic plague? Well, I didn't see any groundhogs borrows, so it should be fine. Anyway after this incident they didn't bother me again. In Chaplin was factory which made salt from lake's salty water. There were hills of salt around, if we have skies we could go skying. Before Morse, were we tent in small RV campground, we passed some huge lakes with zillions of birds, we saw nearly the same species as in Slovakia, some really rear, here probably quite common. One huge lake was also near Morse, it was evening when we came so tomorrow will be time for some birdwatching.

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