Chladné ráno, hmla, že by sa dala krájať. Kemp opúšťame skoro ráno a kým nám otvoria obchod využívame internet v informačnom centre. Po nákupe a raňajkách sa hmla trocha trhá a my vidíme niečo ako naozajstné hory. Čim sme bližšie tým je jasnejšie a hory sa tiahnu od severu na juh a vyplňujú celý horizont pred nami. Hory pred nami, préria za nami. “Rokies“ zo začiatku trocha pripomínajú naše Roháče, ale iba zo začiatku... Keď sme prišli bližšie museli sme skonštatovať, že Skalnaté vrchy sú kategória sama o sebe. Celému horizontu dominovala Chief Mountain (hora Náčelník?), posvätný to kopec pre miestnych domorodcov, vyzeral ako obrovský stĺp. Ako sme sa postupne blížili k Rokies, pribúdalo kopčekov, posledné zbytky prérie a pastvín sme nechávali kdesi dole za sebou. Tesne pred národným parkom Waterton sa cez nás prehnala apokalypticky vyzerajúca búrka, okrem trocha dažďa to však nič moc nebolo. Vstupné do parku bolo riadne drahé (v porovnaní s USA), 7.8$ na osobu za deň. Od brány nás čakala šialene húsenkovitá cyklocesta, do samotného Watertonu to bolo ešte 10 km, kemp bol tiež dosť drahý, najlacnejšia varianta bola za 22.5$, ale zato sme zaspávali medzi ozajstnými horami. Po viac ako roku bez hôr to bol dobrý pocit.
Foggy, cold morning, left camp early, than sitting before visitor center using their internet, speak with my mum for a while, working on blog a little and waiting until grocery store will be open. Finally we found out the magic of buying bulk food. Clouds slowly disappeared and unbelievable we saw something like real mountains... Our first thoughts were something like "Hey, they look same as ours mountains back at home" only difference was that they were from the north horizon to the south. Than we got closer, biking through last pieces of prairie, taking many pictures (especially Chief Mountain was spectacular). Well, Rocky Mountains are not as our mountains, not at all, not as Alps, well, they are Rockies, that's special category...
As we went closer and closer, they grew bigger, steeper, it was hard to not look at them, so majestic, awesome, beautiful. It's hard to describe, you have to see it (at least on our pictures...)
Before we got to Waterton National Park we had to bike through small storm, so our arrival was a little adventure. Entrance fee was 7,8 $ per person/day. We decided to stay here only for one day. From entrance to NP it was 10 km on crazy bike trail (something like roads in Pennsylvania) to Waterton Village. One night in camp was for 22,5 $ per night (the cheapest option). We slept near the Upper Waterton Lake surrounded by real mountains. So finally we did it, we are really in Rocky Mountains :-)
Getting closer
Small storm ahead
Waterton National Park
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