Ráno sme si trochu zašli, pozrieť sa na pláž s majákom, počasie bolo ešte stále ako splašený kôň, takže aj vlny na oceáne boli obrovské, spolu s oloveno šedými mrakmi a skalami vyčnievajúcimi z vody a hmly, vytvárali krásne dramatično, ktoré by mohol zavrieť hocaký škandinávsky filmový režisér. Ďalšia zastávka nad zaviedla k tým dramaticky vyzerajúcim skalám, voľakedy súčasti pobrežia. Po ceste sme si ešte obzreli prekrásnu mokraď/zátoku, plnú bahniakov a kačíc, orly bielohlavé sa tu naháňali s kaňami. Miestni primitívovia tu na okolí vycapili tabule s protestnými heslami, niečo na štýl ako: “zastavme rozširovanie rezervácie“, atď (skoro to isté ako v Olympicu). Pobrežie pri Bandone bolo fantastické, vlny, skaly/útesy. Okolo slnka bol dúhový kruh. V Bandone nás čakala DQ a menšia dažďová prehánka. Potom sme pokračovali na pobrežie, obdivujúc ďalšie fantastické skalné formácie v oceáne (trocha vulkanickej činnosti a erózie a čo to dokáže za divy). Za Bandonom cesta viedla ďalej od pobrežia, pekne rovná a ani nie veľmi kopcovitá. Na okraji cesty sme našli bicyklový stojan, celkom sa hodil, Baška prednedávnom úspešne zlikvidovala ten svoj (už druhý). Navečer sme prišli do Port Orford, nejakí drsňáci surfovali na vlnách aj keď viac ako 5°C hádam ani nebolo. Do Humbug Mountain State Park sme dorazili opäť za tmy. Kemp bol pekný, aj keď miesto pre hiker/bikerov bolo úplne bokom v kýbli.
Close to the State park was nice lighthouse so first we went there. The weather was dramatic today, the dark clouds were approaching from the ocean, it was windy (luckily tailwind) and the waves were huge. On the north horizon we could see huge rocks pointing out from see, partly hidden in the fog. So our second stop was in Brandon on the coast with these amazing rocks, with round rainbow around the sun. On the way there was small bay with wetland, full of birds, two bald eagles were chasing with harriers, real paradise. But for some people it was probably sore in the eyes because we found around this small reservation similar signs like around Olympic National Park. In Brandon we spent quite a lot of time with grocery, DQ then it was raining a little and then we spent a lot of time on the cost with a really spectacular beach full of amazing rocks. The road to Port Orford was mostly inland, pretty straight, without many hills. We found kick-stand on the side of road, nice, Baška's one is broken (again). Some guys were surfing in the Port Orford, even that it was really cold. To the Humbug Mountain State Park we arrived after dark, they hiker/biker site was so far from camp as if they are afraid from us our something :-)
Wow, I can't believe you guys are still on the bikes! I'm the guy with the small boys that came to talk with you at a roadside park in the UP of MI back in August. What is your plan going forward? Jason
ReplyDeleteHi, yap we are still on the road, adventure continue. Our next destination is south America, Argentina or Chile, we don't know yet we will see...as usually :-)