Všetko je utopené v hmle, to že tu je nejaký oceán prezrádza len hukot vĺn, pritom podľa názvov to vyzerá, že prechádzame veľmi peknou časťou pobrežia, ale všetko je biele. Prechádzame ponad najhlbší kaňon na pobreží Oregonu. Z hmly sa okrem áut vyrúti nákladiak s drevom, ktoré zásadne šoférujú maniaci neberúci ohľad na ostatných, ani na počasie, nezdalo sa že by ich hmla spomalila. Pár krát nás minuli tak blízko, že som takmer lakťom odrel lak karosérie. Pred mestom Brookings sa hmla konečne rozplynula, odhaliac ďalšie z kamenných skvostov západného pobrežia. Užívame si posledné chvíle v Oregone, poslednú DQ, v Kalifornii sme už na žiadnu nenarazili. Prichádzame do Kalifornie potme, hneď na úvod nás uvíta nevľúdne kasíno nejakej indiánskej rezervácie. Prespávame v RV kempe.
Biking in the fog. The coast disappeared, sometimes we saw a fragments of some huge rocks our cliff, sometimes logging truck jumped out of the fog and our adrenaline jumped too. We passed many interesting places with a beautiful names like Archers rocks, Natural Bridges, House rock etc., but we saw only a white void. Passed the highest bridge (or the bridge with deepest canyon under it?) in Oregon. The fog finally disappeared when we were near Brookings. So we enjoyed a lunch on another beautiful beach with amazing rocks, then last DQ in Brookings, last miles in Oregon. The first miles in California wasn't very pleasant, even that we were excited to be in the new State. But it was night already (the days are so short now) and we couldn't find any good place to stay and right after border in California was Indian reservation with casino and liquor shops. We tried to get on the shore, but after one local woman told us that this isn't very safe place, we return back to highway and after couple miles we sneak into a RV park and put our tent there.
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