Ako to tu už chodí po včerajšom lejaku je zase krásne, aj keď v Crescent City mesto na vás zahalí hmla, zmeniac veľké mesto na mesto duchov, kopec bezdomovcov ten dojem ešte umocňuje. Nakúpime, kým som v obchode Baška dostáva kopec rád od miestnych duchov ohľadne zaujímavých miest na ceste. Ďalšie rady dostávame v turistických informáciách Elk Creek Redwoods State Parku. Kupujeme si tu aj celkom dobré vesty s logom parku, vesty sa nám budú hodiť a navyše boli zlacnené :-) Za Crescent City začíname stúpať do sekvojových lesov, čaká nás dlhý a náročný stupák s nepríjemnou premávkou, ale aj s peknými výhľadmi “pod seba“. A potom sú tu prvé naozajstné sekvoje, mohutné, obrovské. A po kopci nasleduje výborný zjazd pomedzi tieto úžasné lesy, ešte aj premávka sa umúdri. A to je len začiatok. Míňame hnusnú pascu na turistov, „The Trees of Mysteries“, prechádzame popod klenbu vytvorenú konármi stromov. Pri Hunter Creeku nachádzame opustenú v bočnú cestu, na ktorej rozbíjame tábor. V noci sa nad našim stanom zídu asi všetky sovy z okolia a o niečom celú noc diskutujú.
After rainy night is nice and sunny day. But when we arrived to Crescent City, whole city disappeared in the fog. Suddenly, from sunny day we jumped into grey, depressive atmosphere, we could see only a silhouettes of the buildings, local bumps looked like zombies and the whole city looked like some kind of the ghost town. But until we finished our groceries, the fog was gone (not the homeless people, which were still trying to gave us some good advices about the road ahead, which was nice, but they had driven Baska mad (because she didn't know what to tell them), while I was in the shop). After grocery we stopped in visitor center and got some information about Redwoods State Park and also bought nice vests. Full of enthusiasms we left the Crescent City and started to climb on the top of huge and long hill. It was with nice views and we pedaled between amazing, huge redwoods, but the road was also narrow, with some parts under construction and with a lot of traffic in the beginning (later, when we got on the top of the first hill it became better). We passed Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, the trees here were amazing, and it was just beginning. Than we enjoyed nice downhill ride on the coast and passed The Trees of Mysteries which looked like really nasty tourist trap. Near village/town? of Klamath was spectacular tunnel created by trees branches covered by moss. Because it was already evening, we stopped today near Hunter Creek, built our tent on old abandoned side road. In the night the owls had a very loud meeting right above our camp.
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