Konecne prestalo prsat, nadranom sa uz iba hmla prevaluje udolim. Vyrazame zdolat najobavanejsiu cast severnej Kalifornie, kopec medzi mesteckom Leggett a pobrezim, ze vraj je najvyssi, strmy, cesta uzka, klukata a tak. V Leggette teda opustame 101 a zaciname jej pobreznu alternativu "dialnicu" (u nas by to bola vedlajsia cesta) c. 1. A zaciname stupat a zaciname sa klukatit a potit a to aj napriek chladivej hmle. No skor nez zacneme vypluvat dusu uz sme na vrchole kopca, prakticky to ani moc nebolelo. Premavka tiez ziadna, asi len dve auta. Ako sa hovori strach ma velke oci. Takychto kopcov sme uz zdolali mnoho. Navyse potom nas cakal paradny zjazd a slusne dlhy. Stretavame dva skupinky bajkerov (jedni nas dobehli v kopci Katie a Vinnie, druhych, Rachel a Tim, sme stretli pri zjazde, nasli na kraji cesty zrazenu sovicku (nieco ako vyrik), este zila ale dostala zasah do hlavy, tak tazko povedat ake mala sance na prezitie), vsetci smeruju na vianoce do Mexika. Jay sa rozhoduje trocha pridat, nechce na bajku stravit viac casu nez je nutne, takze sa lucime a sme zase sami. Myslim, ze chcel pridat aj preto, ze pocul od Vinnieho o vybornom pivovare v relativne nedalekom Fort Braggu. Pri prechadzani cez posledny kopec nas zdravy pri kraji cesty dedusko, sediaci vo svojom motorizovanom koleckovom kresle a neuspesne schovavajuci jointa. Marihuana je v Kalifornii na lekarsky predpis, staci povedat ze trpite migrenami, neviem co sa tak osival, usmev a travova aroma ho aj tak prezradzali...
Na pobrezi vchadzame do hustej a riadne mokrej hmly, cele pobrezie je v nej utopene. Kedze Hwy 1 je povestna svojim nadhernym pobrezim, rozhodujeme sa ostat v najblizsom kempe, aj ked je su iba nejake dve hodiny po obede, a pockat do zajtra, mozno sa vyjasni...
Today's chalenge was hill between Leggett and the coast. We heard about it horrible things. But then we were surprised how easy it was. Just another hill, no big deal. We were on the Hwy 1 now, The Coast Highway, legend of the west coast with spectaculars views on the ocean shore. On the way there we met another bikers Katie and Vinnie and Rachel and Tim. The second couple we met when they were observing small own sitting on the side of the road. The poor creature was hit by car and its head looked bad, probably didn't survived. All these bikers headed south to Mexico for Xmas. Jay desided to go with them, they were faster than we and he wanted to be in San Francisco as soon as possible (and Vinnie told him about famous brewery in Fort Bragg). After that dying owl on the side of the road, we met also one old man sitting in his motorised wheelchair smoking marihuana. Funny? Strange?
The ocean coast was hidden in the fog and biking in it wasn't very fun, so we stayed at Westport-Union Landing State Beach, even it was only 2 p.m. Maybe tomorrow will be sunny...
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