Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 41 - 13th July 2013 From Columbiaville to Munger (Bay City), 32.96 miles, total 799 miles

Zobudili sme sa do nadherneho rana. Beth a Jeremy pre nas pripravili poriadne ranajky (prazenica, s cibulou, paprikou, paradajkami, fasirkou a vybornym pomarancovym dzusom). Po tom co sme sa rozlucili s celou ich pocetnou rodinkou sme sa vratili na cyklocestu a uzivali si skvelu asfaltku (byvala zeleznicna trat, ako obvykle) do Millingtonu. Okrem peknych scenerii okolo, ako jazera ci mokrade, som sa naucil ako dolezite je naucit sa pocuvat ludi a neignorovat co i len jedine slovko, hlavne ak hovori moja zena :-)
V Millingtone sme boli za miestne celebrity, na konci cyklocesty sme sa na chvilu zastavili nad mapou a skoro vsetci prechadzajuci cyklisti sa nezabudli zastavit a opytat sa aspon stopatdesiat otazok o nasej cykloceste, ale bola to celkom zabava a od jedneho chlapika sme dostali mapu vsetkych cyklociest v Michigane. Postarsi manzelsky par, po tom co si vypocul nasu "story" (a ked zistili, ze sme vlastne vzdialeny pribuzny, lebo aj oni pochadzali zo Slovenska) nam dali malu financnu dotaciu pre nasu cestu. Mile...
Zvysok dna sme stravili na ceste cislo 15, vypekajuc sa na pekelnom slnku. Ale vesmir zase pomohol, ked bolo najteplejsie a Baska a ja sme museli na chvilu zastavit a odskocit si na toaletu v miestnom obchodaku, ked sme sa vratili SJ nam dala mrazene Popsicle co dostala od jednej rodinky, co tu byvala.
A to zdaleka nebolo vsetko, ku sklonku dna, raziac si cestu proti protivnemu vetru a v riadnom vypeku, pomaly padajuc z bicykla, uprostred poli bol osamoteny dom a pred nim akurat "nahodou" tetuska, ktora si vysla pozriet nieco na ceste... no a za chvilu sme uz u nej sedeli v tieni jej zahrady, popijajuc chladene drinky, vyborny melon a super-cokoladove cookies. Dozvedeli sme sa, ze putovanie na bicykloch jej nie je celkom cudzie, jej syn presiel napriec Amerikou, ked bol teenager a teraz si stavia kanoe, na ktorom sa chce prepadlovat na Aliasku. Jej manzel nam poukazoval krasnych veteranov co zrestauroval a dozvedeli sme sa aj, ze vyraba vlasne vino. Celkom mi to pripomina otca jednej mojej priatelky, ktory ma rovnake konicky.
Dnesnu etapu sme zakoncili v Mungere, co je vlasne uz sucast Bay City, u priatela SJ otca. Aj ked nas videl prvy krat v zivote, ponukol nam k dispozicii cely svoj dom a uvaril paradnu veceru. Na vecer nas este trochu povozil po okoly a ukazal nam, kde zacina cykloceta, na ktoru sa zajtra planujeme vydat.
Dnes bol den, ktory by sa dal nazvat Dnom uzasnych ludi :-)

Beth with Jeremy prepared another amazing breakfast, it is really amazing how universe work and this was only beginning of wonderful day  :-). Than we biked to Millington on super comfy paved bike trail/railroad and I learned than is very important to listen people, especially if it is your wife.
The end of bike trail in Millington was crazy (in a good way). We stopped here for a while and nearly stayed  there for half of day because another bikers bombarded us with questions about our bike trip. For a while we were like some kind of celebrities :-) One man gave us map of Michigan with bike trails, one married couple after they heard our story (and when they heard that we are from Slovakia) were so amazed that they sponsored our bike trip.
Rest of day we spent on route 15 (with nice safe shoulders for biking) burning our bodies on hot sun. When the heat was the worst, and we stopped  before some shop for the bathroom break, some man and his wife offer us Popsicle, later when we were really tired (all day we had to fight with the wind) and I nearly fell to sleep on bike because of heat, some lady waived on us from side of road and practically stopped us. First she asked, as many before today, about our bike trip, than we asked for water and after a while we were sitting in the shade of her garden, eating water melon and delicious cookies. We found out that her son rode cross hole USA on bike, when he was teenager and now he is building canoe for canoe trip to Alaska... Her husband showed us his beautiful old cars which he restored. He also was making his own wine from their grapes. One friend of mine has father with same hobbies :-)
Today's part we finished in Munger at SJ's father's friend Greg which invited us to his house and made awesome dinner for us and showed us where is bike trail for tomorrow's ride. He also had two cute kittens which Baska appreciate a lot :-)
Today's day was a day of good people.

Morning on Beth and Jeremy's farm
to visit...
railtrail in Bay City

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