Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 45 - 17th July 2013 Masick through Thompsonville to Crystal Lake, 29.51 miles

Do obeda Baska riesi problemy so svojim batohom co poslala domov, nasi colnici robia problemy. Opat je strasne teplo, snazime sa najst Betsie Vallie Bike Trail, nachadzame ju az v Thompsonville, kde obedujeme a preckavame najvacsie teplo. Cyklocesta je fantasticka, vedie luznymi lesmi s mokradami, potokmi, pieskovymi dunami po stranach a co je najlepsie prakticky stale vedie z kopca. Po nejakom case prichadzame do mestecka Beulah na brehu Crystal Lake. V rozpravacskom zapale prehliadam verejnu plaz, co mi Baska potom trpko vycita, pretoze si chcela ist zaplavat, ale kedze ideme do Sleeping Bear Dunes a musime aj tak obist "Krystalove jazero" (ktore je naozaj krystalovo ciste, hlavne vdaka invaznym Drysenam) a po chvili nachadzame miesto s verejnym pristupom k vode (inak je breh totalne zastavany domami) a opat raz "nahodou" tu stretavame ludi (dovolenkarov) z Missouri, co nas nielen ze nechaju prespat na ich zahrade, ale kedze im zvysila nejaka pizza, salat a kopec zmrzliny o veceru mame postarane a Baska si do sytosti mohla zaplavat v jazere (s kacacimi blchami) :-)

- late start this morning (lots of letters and journal entries written : )
- Barbora got an email from her father about her backpack (which she sent back to Slovakia) going through customs. It took some time to call and email to try solving the issue.
- another day biking in extremely hot weather- yay for staying hydrated!
- we found the very beginning of Betsie Vallie Bike Trail, but it's unpaved and unsuitable for biking
- we got to Thompsonville where the bike trail is more "towpath" style (think nice gravel :-))
- Lunch in Thompsonville's shady park (Barbora improvised oatmeal and tortillas) and then we napped till 5 pm....we joked we're becoming crepuscular bikers in this weather.
- the bike trail from Thompsonville to Crystal lake is very nice (and mostly downhill), a lot of pine tress, hardwoods, wetlands, creeks, sand, turkeys, made all the more enjoyable by telling vampires stories...
- in the town of Beulah (which is not pronounced how you think) Navigator Martin overlooked a very obvious public beach, but later on down the road we found a "public access" boat launch and decided to go swimming there instead. As we swam we made friends with some fabulous Missourians on vacation who were leaving the next morning--which was the perfect excuse for us to eat their entire fridge (meat lovers pizza, a pint of ice cream, peanuts, random condiments and a big bowl of salad for SJ) of food that was going to be thrown away anyway :-D Thanks Gretchen, Tracey, Ron and Tim!!!! They invited us to shower indoors and camp on their lawn, where the waves on the shore rocked us to sleep. The universe works  :-) 

looking for bike trail... 
on the bike trail 
Crystal Lake and ours camp 

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