Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 180 - 29th November, San Francisco - Dali City - Pacifica - Half Moon Bay, 31.39 miles

Ráno sme sa rozlúčili s Jacobom a cez Haight-Ashbury (miestom presláveným bítnikmi a hippies) prešli opäť do Golden Gate Parku. Hippíkov sme žiadnych nevideli, zato pri parku sa vyvaľovala celá tlupa bezdomovcov. Prešli sme na pobrežie a začali sa štverať do Daly City. Z nejakého dôvodu ho postavili na pieskovom útese, akurát sa im teraz trochu sunie do mora. Nechápem prečo tam vôbec niekto chce žiť, keď sme tam dorazili, priplazila sa od oceánu hustá hmla a krásny slnečný deň bol razom studeným, sychravým zimným dňom, a hmlu tu vraj majú skoro stále, Jacob hovoril, že sme mali celkom šťastie, že sme videli slnečné San Francisco. Takže v studenej, mokrej hmle sme hľadali nejaké wifi, aby sme mohli dať o sebe vedieť naším ďalším hostiteľom v Santa Cruz. Rozhodli sme sa už konečne začať využívať naplno Ako tak sme postávali na ulici, náhodou pred budhisticko-altruistickým centrom, zastavilo pri nás auto a tetuška-budhista-altruista sa nás spýtala, že čo potrebujeme. Na naše prekvapenie vytiahla z kabelky niečo ako router a zrazu sme sa mohli pripojiť na internet. Poslali sme teda email naším hostiteľom, rozlúčili sa s tetuškou a začali zdolávať kopec do Half Moon Bay. Tento úsek bol asi najnebezpečnejší z celej našej cesty. Úzka cesta sa kľukatila do strmého kopca, žiadna krajnica, hmla, mokro, vietor a šialená premávka navyše tu šoféri ani v hmle svetlá moc nepoužívajú . Za kopcom nás čakal parádny tunel + zjazd z kopca a ďalšia úzka cesta. Ale akosi sme to prežili bez ujmy na telesnej schránke, aj keď sme mali zopár veľmi tesných stretnutí s prebiehajúcimi autami. Do Half Moon Bay State Park sme však už prišli po peknej cykloceste, cesta bola aj tak upchatá autami, všetci sa už vracali domov z práce. Prespali sme v kempe, okrem nás tu bol ešte ďalší pár na bicykloch.

In the morning we left Jacobs's house and went to the Golden Gate park again, but this time thought Haight-Ashbury. There was some kind of hippies atmosphere but mostly we saw only hipsters or homeless and a lot of people in front of shops, it was Black Friday. After we got to the coast we turn our backs to the San Francisco, headed south again. In the Daly city we found out what is this famous San Francisco's fog about. Why somebody would like to live in this wet and cold white milk, I don't understand :-). Biking in the fog we were looking for some internet. We got access to wifi in front of buddhist centre, thank to one woman which works there. We needed to contract next warmshowers host in Santa Cruz. After this was successfully done, we had to get to the Half Moon Bay. Between Daly City and Half Moon Bay is only one big hill, but the road there is probably the worst part on the entire Coast Highway. Bike Path ended in front of narrow, windy road without any shoulder and pretty steep hill. It was quite problem to get on the road because of very high traffic (it was already afternoon and people were returning to their homes). After we got on the top of the hill, strong wind hit us (but luckily no car, yet), still in the fog and cold it was really tough. But finally we got on the other side of the hill and in front off Half Moon Bay we also left that crazy traffic behind us, partly thanks to the traffic jam (it was satisfying to be faster than cars) and also because of nice bike trail which led us to the Half Moon Bay State Park Campground. We camped there, white void still around us, later came to the hiker/biker site another couple of bikers, we met them first time in the Daly City, so they also survived that deadly hill.

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