Rano opustame kemp relativne skoro, teda vzhladom na vcerajsi experiment s Krakenom. Prechadzame cez Big Sur, od A. Molera SP cesta vedie hlbokym udolim, v ktorom sa akymsi zazrakom zachoval kus pekneho cedroveho lesa. Cesta pomaly, ale iste stupa, nakoniec kym vylezieme na vrchol mame za sebou skoro hodinu slapania do kopca. Otvara sa vyhlad na pobrezie s jeho fantastickymi skalami a utesov. Opat sa klukatime po utesoch, za kazdou zatackou sa otvara nejaky novy paradny vyhlad. Vysoke hory padaju rovno do oceanu a na ich ramenach sa klukatime po zvysok dna. Prechadzame cez Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park so zatokou ako z filmu Modra laguna... Prechadzame cez dalsie rokliny, strze, uzasne hlboke, preklenute "historickymi" mostami. Slapeme dlho do noci, nie je tu kde prespat, brania nam v tom bud utesy alebo ostnate ploty. Ked konecne prichadzame do State Parku, posielaju nas prec, lebo tam nie je hiker/biker miesto, ze vraj o dve mile dalej je kemp, ktory je aj pre bajkerov. Nastastie su to naozaj len dve mile. Je hviezdnata noc, mesiac uz pomaly zapadol do oceanu a je riadna kosa, skoro mrzne. Spolu s nami tu mrzne este iny par cyklistov, idu do San Francisca a nemaju moc vybavenie na taky chlad, je to tu trochu neobvykle. Este je tu jeden chodec, tazko povedat ci to je bezdomovec alebo nejaky dalsi sialenec ako my, na cestach po svete. Ma taky "offroadovy" vozik.
After tasteless breakfast (Kraken rum no more! :-)) we left A. Molera SP. While we were preparing our bikes, in front of the campground, one old guy on motorcycle stopped for a chat. He also did this part of the coast on bicycle and gave us some useful informations about hiker/biker campground between L.A. and San Diego (because there are only two of them). He was now on the way to L.A. to sell his motorcycle. In Big Sur village we had small refreshment, ice cream, even it was very cold. Then the road through State Park, full of beautiful redwoods, went steadily uphill. Very soon it was pretty steep hill. It took nearly one hour to get on the top, but it was worthy. Amazing views of the coast, ocean and hills above, but what was the best was a long ride downhill with cliffs and beautiful coves on our right side. Especially Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park was gorgeous with small cove and waterfall (I don't know where the water came from, because everything around here is dry). We also went through another bridges overarching through deep ravines or gorges. Still on the coast, basically glued to the cliffs, there wasn't any good place to camp so we had to bike quite long after sunset. When we finally arrived (after nice downhill with tunnel and some construction work on the road) to some State Park (under hwy's bridge), they told is that they don't have hiker/biker sites, so we had to continue to the next one (or we could pay 35$). What was nice, was that we could get drinking water here, because the next State Park is without water. Luckily it was only two miles. So we finally sleepy in the Kirk Creek State Park. Night was very cold, nearly freezing, for is it wasn't big problem, but there were an another bikers, on their trip to San Fran and they haven't been prepared for this cold weather. Down here it's not very common.
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