Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 129 - 9th October, Seattle - Bainbridge Island, 17.54 miles

Dnes sme opustili Seattle, rozlúčili sa s Alyssou, Alexom a ich spolubývajúcimi a pohodlne bicyklujúc po cyklocestách, sme sa dostali do centra a našli trajekt cez Puget Sound na ostrov Bainbridge. V prístave už čakala kopa cyklistov, pri vylodení to vyzeralo ako na nejakých pretekoch, len čo otvorili trajekt vyvalil sa z neho peletón cyklistov, my uprostred, bola to dosť sranda, ale zároveň som mal pocit že každú sekundu musíme spôsobiť nejakú fatálnu hromadnú zrážku, my sme boli jediný ťažko naložený diaľkari. V Bainbridge Baška získala nové osemkolečko (s robotou za 50$), to staré už malo svoju štvrtú reťaz a už to robilo neplechu. Dnešný cieľ bol malý kemp na severe ostrova vzdialený iba zopár míľ. Ale kým sme opustili Bainbridge zotmelo sa. Do kempu sme nedorazili, bo na jednej z križovatiek nás odchytil akýsi chlapík-cyklista (volá sa Ron) a po krátkom rozhovore, obávajúc sa o našu bezpečnosť, nám povedal, že môžme prespať na jeho záhrade. Neváhali sme, tiež sa nám veľmi po tme bicyklovať nechcelo, aj keď bola pekná hviezdnatá noc. Keď sme už mali postavený stan, prišla Ronová žena, Polly, a keď nás zbadala iba zalamentovala “máme tento obrovský dom a on vás nechal spať vonku na záhrade?!“ Takže dnes sme mali opäť raz strechu nad hlavou, sprchu a výbornú domácu večeru. Ron a Polly sú výborný ľudia, naša krvná skupina, tiež prebicyklovali cez polku USA do Severnej Dakoty a Minnesoty. Každý rok sa účastnia miestnych indiánskych slávností, keď sa zídu všetky miestne kmene na jednom veľkom splave s nádhernými zdobenými člnmi. Ron je dosť dobrý fotograf, takže všade na stenách mali fotky z týchto slávností.

Today we left Seattle, said goodbye to Alyssa, Alex and all amazing people from theirs house. Using the bike trails, we got very easily to the downtown and found ferry across Puget Sound to Bainbridge island. Ticket for both of us was about 15$. But first we took our bikes to the ferry terminal to buy a tickets and after we pushed our bikes through whole building, got to the second floor, then, we saw small notice that bikes are not allowed in the building and we had to go out. Why there wasn't any sign on the entrance doors? :-) They had special line for bikers outside. When the ferry arrived there was maybe 30 bikers. From ferry we could see very nicely Seattle and also Cascades & Olympic. When ferry arrived to the Bainbridge Island all bikers were ready, standing one next to the other, on the foredeck and when ferry staff opened the gate, all bikers just flew out from it. It was like a race, we where in the middle, bikers just passing around us. Baška's chain was still jumping on her cassette which is already worn out, it's it fourth chain, luckily we were passing around bike shop which was still open, so we spend another 50$ and changed it. But then it was nearly dark and closest state park with campground was about 6 miles away. So again, biking with the stars, we were heading there. On one interception some another biker was shouting something on us. Baška was close, so she stopped and spoke with him. That guy, his name was Ron, was asking us if we have a place to stay overnight and invited us to camp at his backyard. Ron's house was just near by that interception, so why not? We built our tent in his backyard and then his wife, Polly, arrived and when she spotted us and found out what we are, she just yell out "we have this huge house and he let you sleep outside?!" So we packed our tent and move in, had nice shower and Polly with Ron prepared amazing dinner and tea, we spoke a lot about our and theirs trips (they also biked cross country to North Dakota and Minnesota). Ron is excellent photograph, so everywhere in their house are photos of aboriginal people from local coast tribes, during their annual canoeing gathering celebration.

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