Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 131 - 11th October, Kitsap Memorial State Park - Sequim, 44.32 miles, total 4006 miles

Dnes sme zo slnka toho veľa nevideli. Navyše počasie bolo také, že do kopca sme sa potili a z kopca mrzli. A dnes sme mali pred sebou veľa kopcov. Od Kitsap Memorial State Park sme prešli cez kopce po rušnej 104 (ale mala dobrú krajnicu). Výhľady na východnú stanu Olympicu boli dosť žalostné, všade obrovské holoruby. Na 101tke sme stretli dve cyklistky, tiež na nejakom dlhšom výlete, išli však v druhom smere. V indiánskej dedinke menom Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe sme sa napojili na parádnu cyklocestu, zaviedla nás do Sequim Bay State Park, kde sme uvideli prvé gigantické douglasky, Baška našla gigantické šampiňóny. Pri pohľade na tachometer zisťujem, že už sme dokopy prešli 4000 míľ. Oslavujeme to v mestečku Sequim v DQ s tekvicovou zmrzlinou (už ide Halloween). Spali sme kúsok za mestečkom Sequim pri rieke so starým železničným mostom (Railroad bridge Park).

Cloudy and cold day. Biked from Kitsap on Hwy 3, than passed Hood Canal Floating Bridge on Hwy104. Nasty road, heavy traffic (but good wide shoulder), a lot of hills, a lot of clear cuts everywhere. East side of Olympic looks really bad. Passed through hills we switch for Hwy 101, our final Hwy for couple of next weeks. Met two girls, they were also on the bike trip, in the opposite direction. Probably came from Alaska because they were only in shirts and tshirts, and it was really cold. In Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe we found nice bike trail to Port Angeles. The best part of it was through Sequim Bay State Park with huge and very huge trees (and many mushrooms). Got to Sequim in the evening, good time for celebration we passed 4000 miles mark. And they have a Dairy Queen here with amazing pumpkin blizzard :-) For the dinner was mushroom soup.

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