Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 145 - 25th October, Manzanita - Tillamook, 35.7 miles

John prežil noc v zdravý, ráno si dokonca doprial ďalšiu dávku muchotrávok a navrch ešte jednu plávku, o ktorej mu Baška povedala, že nie je jedovatá, ale nie je veľmi jedlá. No, súdiac podľa Johna, môžeme povedať, že vyprážané muchotrávky nie sú jedovaté, sú dokonca chutné, nie sú halucinogénne a rozhodne by sa nemali miešať s nejedlými plávkami. Pretože kým sme vyrazili, začal sa cítiť celkom neisto v oblasti žalúdku. Za chvíľu mu už bolo pomerne zle, bol ospalý, unavený. Navyše sme si v snahe skrátiť si cestu trochu zašli a spať na 101tku sme sa takmer museli prebiť cez nepoddajnú vegetáciu. Po tomto prechode to John asi na pol hodinu zalomil, čím jeho telo dokončilo detoxikáciu. Bo potom už bol v pohode, dokonca keď sme dorazili do syrovej továrne v Tillamooku, okrem syru, ktorého sme tam zjedli tonu a “fadžu“ (ochutnávka zadarmo) sme si dopriali dva krát výbornú zmrzlinu, čo tu tiež vyrábajú, pričom John mal zo všetkého asi najviac. Ó, Tillamoocká zmrzlina, to vám je niečo, asi najlepšia v celých štátoch, rozhodne najlepšia čo sme zatiaľ mali. Akurát, že kým sme sa odtiaľ dostali bola už tma a my sme opäť skončili v mestskom parku. Našli sme tu síce pekné odľahlé miesto, maskované krami a stromami, ale aj tak o pol dvanástej prišla polícia a my sme sa opäť museli pratať. Odšliapali sme to teda kúsok USA Tillamook, a zalomili to prvom vhodnom mieste pod lesom, ignorujúc fakt, že sme na súkromnom pozemku. Našťastie nikto nás už neotravoval a my sme mohli pokojne spať až do rána.

John survived his amanita dinner and he did some more mushrooms for breakfast. That wasn't probably very clever, because than he started to feel quite "dizzy". On the way to Tillamook, he wasn't feel very good at all, he was sleepy and tired. But after one crazy shortcut, which including pushing our bikes through very dense vegetation around one lake and short nap, he was ok and when we arrived to Tillamook Cheese factory he didn't hesitate to buy ice cream. That was something that ice cream, probably the best ice cream in USA is in Tillamook. And they had free examples of their cheese and fudge. When we left this factory we were full of ice cream, cheese and fudge and we also bought some cheese and fudge for later. Only problem was that it was dark again. Days are so short now, especially when you started to bike around noon and than spend half of afternoon detoxicating and than eating ice cream. There was Tillamook in front of us, and no suitable place for camping around. So, again we end ed in the town. After some riding around we found quite remote park on the edge of town and hide our tents in the bushes. We were totally sure that nobody can find us here. Wrong, again about 11:30pm police came and he had to leave. This time they were even more polite than last time, policeman was originally from Russia and he told us that if is not his boss, he would leave us there, but ... So we have to bike in the middle of night again. Luckily we found some place near forest a few miles from Tillamook, it was on privet property, but we didn't care, we just want to sleep. We were lucky, nobody kicked us and we stayed there till morning.

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