Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day 137 - 17th October, Bogachiel State Park - Kalaloch (finally The Pacific Ocean) - Lake Quinault, 63.89 miles

Ráno sme sa zobudili do pravej jesennej hmly, typická inverzia, keď sme sa dostali trochu do kopcov už svietilo slniečko, ale to sme zase všade okolo seba videli tu spúšť  napáchanú lesákmi, všade naokolo bolo mnoho obrovských holorubov, hádam ešte horších ako u nás na Slovensku. Dole k oceánu, dnes sme po prvý krát dorazili na pobrežie Pacifiku, sme zase zišli do hmly. Oceán bol fantastický. Aj keď počasie nič noc, na impozantnosti mu to neubralo, vlny boli obrovské a hučali ako dunenie hromu, pobrežie bol pieskovcový útes, pláže s čiernym pieskom. Tu na pobreží sme našli aj jeden z najväčších bielych cédrov na svete, okolo 1000 rokov starý, kmeň neuveriteľne pokrútený, hrčovitý, prerastený koreňmi a s mnohými dutinami, vyrastali z neho ďalšie obrovské stromy, boli tu celé poschodia s kríkmi alebo rastlinami čo na ňom rástli, skrátka taký malý les sám pre seba. Obvod mal okolo 20 metrov a priemer okolo 7 m. Obed sme si dali blízko kempu Kalaloch na vrchu útesu nad oceánom v lese s pokrútenými smrekmi s obrovskými hrčami na kmeňoch, následok poškodenia kôry hmyzom a v kombinácií s pieskom z oceánu. Zišli sme aj dole k oceánu aby sme sa ho konečne mohli aj dotknúť. Potom sme opustili pobrežie, 101tka nás viedla spať k Olympicu, opäť pomedzi holoruby ale aj von z inverzie, takže nám opäť svietilo slnko. Prespali sme pri jazere Quinault, akurát dnes sa konečne americký páprdovia dohodli na rozpočte a znovu otvorili národné parky. Takže opäť sme spali medzi gigantickými smrekmi, takmer legálne. Akurát bol aj spln a nádherné hviezde nebo.

Foggy morning, and cold. Passing through another huge clear cuts, whole hills were completely deforested, Bogachiel rainforest looked like a dream, hardly to believed that this devastation was once also so amazing, gigantic stumps are still reminding it.
For couple times we got on the sun but near to the cost we went down under clouds again. Today we finally reached the Pacific Ocean. The beaches were with dark sand and waves were so huge and sounded like thunder. From one giant we moved to the another, near the costs was thousand years old white cedar. Well, that was "the Tree". Barely alive, yet, it was more like small forest itself, from it's trunk grew big trees, there were stories with plants and bushes. Whole that tree looked incredible old, full of hollows and twisted branches, roots. The circumference was about 60 feet. Than, we had a lunch on the ocean shore in spruce forest with many trees with creepy bumps on their trunks (because of some insect and sand from ocean). We went down to the ocean to "touch" it and than we turn ours backs to the ocean and followed 101 back to the Olympic, actually to Quinault lake and the Valley of "Giants", around this lake are some of the biggest trees of its kind on the World. Again we had to pass through another huge clear cuts. What was nice that when we left the ocean shore, very soon was sunny again, clouds and fog was only near the ocean. Google street view car passed us, maybe we will be on the street view :-). To Quinault lake we got late in the evening.  Slept near lake between gigantic Sitka spruce trees with the full moon and zillion stars above.

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