Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 71 - 12th August 2013, Ironwood to Ashland (Wisconsin), 41.68 miles

Na raňajkách stretávame chlapíka menom Chris. Práve dokončil výšľap cez celý Michigan (viac ako 900 míľ), pozval nás na slávnostné otvorenie turistickej cesty, ktorú práve prešiel, vraj tam bude aj guvernér. Tak sme tam šli, videli guvernéra, obzreli si miestnu banícku expozíciu a napokon vyrazili do Wisconsinu. V podstate celá cesta až do Ashlandu bola z kopca, okolo 40 míľ. Čakalo nás mnoho fantastických zjazdov, jeden asi 2 míle dlhý a takmer v 50 km/h. Stretli sme troch cyklistov smerujúcich na výhod. S dvoma sme hodili reč a poskytli nám mnoho povzbudivých informácií. Hlavne SJ si potom zvyšok cesty náramne užívala. V Ashlande sme prespali u priateľky Cherylinej priateľky, Stephanie. Bola veľmi milá a mohli sme si u nej vyprať svoje háby a uvarili sme fantastickú večeru.

Breakfast in the Inn. We met here hiker Chris who just finish his hike thought wholeMichigan (more than 900 miles). He did it become he would like to be first who hike that trail which was just opened and he invite us on opening ceremony where will be also governor of Michigan. So we saw governor of Michigan (and his cool security guards, exactly like from American action movies:-). Rode to the Ashland (we are in Wisconsin now!) was amazing never ending downhill ride. We met a few long distance bikers add we are, but in opposite direction, one couple gave us many good informations about roads and how it was. SJ was really excited (Rockies are not so bad and wind is not only from the west!). After this she really enjoyed the rode to Ashland and we did it in record speed (it was downhill and wind changed and was in our back). In Ashland we stayed at Stephanie's house (she is the Lori's friend, who is SJ's aunt Cheryl friend), with her amazing dogs and had fabulous dinner and girls chatted a lot.

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