Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 83 - 24th August, Manitou - Swan Lake - Holland - Spruce Woods Provincial Park, 79.16 miles

Baška má od rána trochu horúčku. Nemáme vodu takže musíme pokračovať. Po ceste do Manitou stretávame kolegu - dievčina sama ťahá s napakovaným bicyklom. Chvíľu sa rozprávame, cestuje len na krátko, asi 500 km okruh z Winnipegu do Mordenu. V Manitou si dávame sprchu, dnes riadne fúka od juhu, takže väčšinu cesty ťaháme na sever. Za Manitou sa polia náhle zvlnili, prechádzame cez malé kopčeky, na západ od nás sa točia vrtule. Obloha sa mračí, zdá sa že bude búrka, je dusno a Baška sa stále necíti veľmi dobre. Krátka pauza na obed trochu pomôže, potom opäť zdolávame zvlnenú prériu, vlastne pšeničné polia, prechádzame cez indiánsku rezerváciu Swan Lake, ale nevidíme nikoho. Trochu prší, ale je to len taká spŕška na ochladenie a za chvíľu je už modrá obloha. Vyšlapali sme na vrchol nejakého hrebeňu, všade naokolo sú malé kopce, polia, pasienky, dokonca nejaké stromy, vyzerá to tu veľmi malebne. Po oblohe krúžia pelikány, neskôr narážame na jazero, plné vodných fóglov. Nasleduje parádny zjazd do “nížin “ a ukrutný boj s vetrom pri mestečku Holland. Už máme v nohách cez sto kilometrov tak to ide ztuha. Posledných 10 km už šliapeme po tme a Baška ma zrejme dosť preklína za to čo som vymyslel. Ale horúčka jej už prešla :-) a záver sa v podstate len vezieme dole kopcom k rieke Assiniboine. Ešte prefičať cez mračná podeniek a už sme Spruce woods Provincial park a jeho podivnom kempe.

Baška has fever, luckily only a little and she is able to bike. Well, we don't have any other choice, because we need water. So our first stop was in Manitou campground to get a water (and to have a shover, today was very hot day again). On the way there we met one biker like we are, but she was only on "short" trip (about 500 km), between Winnipeg andMorden. Way from Manitou was fast and we really enjoy it, wind was in our back (today was south wind, so we biked mostly to the north, there is Hwy #1, which we would like to follow our way through Canada). Flat landscape changed here to the small hills, on the west are some wind turbines. Sky there is very cloudy it looks that storm is coming. Baška didn't feel very good, but small pause for lunch helped. When we passed through Swan Lake (aboriginal people reservation) it started to rain, but only a little bit, small refreshing. From Swan Lake we went to the north again, passed through small hill range. Many nice views. Farm fields were mixed with meadows and small woods, hills everywhere and gorgeous ride downhill. We found a lake with many water birds, what really surprised us were pelicans, we didn't know that they are also here. Last part of today trip was against nasty wind. It was in Holland, but then when we got to the Spruce woods we enjoyed (well maybe not Baška, she was really tired) downhill ride to the Assiniboine river and when we biked through a few swarms of fish flies there was Spruce Woods campground and Baška finally could go to sleep (I was cooking dinner).

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