Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 149 - 29th October, Beverly Beach S.P. - Newport - South Beach State Park, 11.97 miles

Lenivé ráno, Baška učí Johna rozpoznávať jedlé huby, ale John sa stále drží svojich muchotrávok, aj keď teraz len tak “nachuť“. Na raňajkoobed máme korpulentnú praženicu s hríbmi, veľa masti a cibule. Monu, ďalší bajker, ktorá tu s nami bola, mierne triafal šľak, keďže je odborníčka na zdravú stravu a tréner atlétov ako nám neustále opakovala (zase sme sa k slovu veľmi nedostali). Dnes bol lenivý deň, prešli sme len do Newportu. V miestnom bajkšope som kúpil nejaké extra špaile pre naše bicykle, chlapík z obchodu nám rozprával o strednej amerike a dal nám kopec pozitívnych informácií. Tiež sme sa dozvedeli že tu bol Pete (čo je sila, že nás dobehol na jednokolke) a skutočne, keď sme prechádzali cez most tak sme sa s ním stretli. Takže všetci pospolu sme zamierili do kempu na South Beach. Mne prišlo celkom seriózne zle z tej korpulentnej praženice (došlo na Monine slová), takže zatiaľ čo ostatní išli chytať kraby ja som ležal v stane. Našťastie k večeru už mi bolo lepšie a v noci mi už bolo úplne fajn, takže som si trochu zatrénoval streľbu z Johnovho praku na mývali, ktorí sa neustane snažili dostať k nášmu jedlu (mali smolu, tašky sme zavesili na konáre). Zistil som, že tlstý mýval je celkom nepriestrelný.

Baška thought John how to recognize some mushrooms which are not poisonous and really edible. Than they made amazing scrambled eggs with mushrooms and a lot of lard, while Mona was talking and talking about healthy food (she is trainer for athletes and food advisor/scientist), I was mixing whole box of lard with peanut butter and jelly. The final product was quite disgusting, but it's stand for a very long time  :-) Today we didn't bike too much, just to Newport, quite nice town with beautiful beach and lighthouse. In the local bike shop I bought done extra spokes and we talked with bike shop owner about Central America. He spend many years travelling and biking through these counties (and is still alive :-) and highly recommended it. He only warned us not to stay near border in Mexico and w should be careful because a lot of kids like to steal things. When we were crossing the long and narrow bridge to the South Beach State Park we met Pete. He also stopped in the same bike shop as we did, one of his pedals broke and now it was making horrible noise. So we camp all together. In the evening everybody went to hunt crabs, well everybody except me, I was sick from that scrambled eggs with mushrooms, my stomach didn't digest that combination. Crab hunting wasn't very successful, John finally managed to catch one tiny crab, but it escaped before they cooked it, so they cooked some clamish looking things (luckily they were edible and tasted like shrimps). During the night our camp was invaded by greedy raccoon family, but we were ready, our panniers hung on the trees so the raccoons didn't do much damage (only Pete water bottle didn't survived). In the night I felt much better and when raccoons woke me up I used John's slingshot and tried some "moving target" shooting. Well, I realized that raccoon's fur is "slingshot's bullets-proof" and even they didn't like it, it wasn't a reason for them to search thought our camp again and again till the morning.

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