Celu noc prsi a aj cely den, ostavame kde sme, dnes sa nikomu bicyklovat nechce. Nas stan celkom odolaval, a to aj napriek tomu, ze z polovice bol v hlbokej kaluzi, takze sme spali na vodnej posteli, po pol roku non-stop pouzivania je to celkom pozitivne, Alp aj ked to nie je top znacka, tak sa celkom vyznamenal. Jay bol na tom o poznanie horsie, celkom slusne ho vytopilo. Takze trochu spravil prieskum nedalekej restauracie a vybavil u jej majitela, ze mozeme preckat necas v malom pristresku co tam mali. Nebolo to bohvieco, ale aspon sme mali nejaku strechu nad hlavou a kedze nefukalo, boli sme od dazdu dost usetreni. Navyse sme boli v dosahu wifi, ktoru nam onen majitelko restauracie dovolil pouzivat. Je fajn, ze aj tu su pohodaci. V noci sa spustil taky lejak, ze keby sme nemali ten kusok strechy nad hlavou tak nas vytopi ako mysi, Alp neAlp.
It was raining all night and all day. Our tent was in the deep puddle, but the floor is still quite waterproof, so we didn't have to swim. Jay's tent wasn't so good, he looked quite wet after the night. And because he was the man of action, so thanks to him, we could move under a shelter which belong to the close restaurant. The owner of it was so cool that he let us use his wifi, so we spent whole day on the internet, sending emails, posting pictures and blog. In the night came very heavy rain, so we were double grateful for that small shelter.
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