Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 164 - 13th November, Redwoods - Trinidad - McKinleyville, 40.27

Dnes opúšťame nádherné sekvoje. Včera nám pribudli traja susedia, dvaja cyklisti a jedna turistka. Baška sa zoznámila s jedným z cyklistov, bola to dievčina menom Brook. Išla z Portlandu do San Francisca. Slovo dalo slovo a po spoločných raňajkách už sme na juh uháňali všetci spolu. Brook bola skoro ako SaraJane, veľa rozprávala, veľa sa smiala a všetko ju nadchýňalo. Hlavne s Baškou si dobre dali a preklábosili školu celý deň. Po tom čo sme opustili sekvoje a dostali sa opäť k pobrežiu, vychutnávajúc si na chvíľu slnko, všetko pohltila hmla. Videli sme niečo ako podivnú hmlovú dúhu, ale potom sme boli nadlho v protivnej, mokrej hmle. Bašku rozbolelo koleno. Na obed sme sa zastavili v Patricks Point State Park, tu sa stal ďalší z malých zázrakov, zrazu hmla zmizla a odhalila nám úžasné pobrežie, potom sa Brook podarilo dovolať jej warmshowers  hostiteľovi pre dnešnú noc a ochotná tetuška súhlasila že prichýli aj nás. To bol nás prvý naozajstný kontakt s komunitou ľudí okolí warmshowers a bol úžasný. Do McKinleyville sme dorazili na večer, opäť bolo sychravo, zima, nevľúdne počasie. Takže to že sme mali strechu nad hlavou malo cenu zlata. Michelle nás vrelo uvítala, navarila fantastickú večeru, mohli sme sa osprchovať, vyprať si a spali sme v ozajstnej posteli. Také malé radosti života :-)

Last day in Redwoods (at least that we thought), yesterday we got tree neighbours, two bikers, one hiker. Baška met two of them (third was some guy from Germany doing 100 miles per day, heading north), one was a girl, hiker, heading north (after travels in South America, she recommended Peru a lot :-)), second one was another girl heading south and her name was Brook. So after a small conversation and a common breakfast we decided to go all together and we had company on our journey again. Brook was really good teammate, after a couple hours we felt like if we knew each other for days. She was a little bit like SaraJane, she likes to smile and laugh a lot and was the same crazy - in a good way :-), she came from the east coast with her friends (partly on bikes, partly on bus) to Portland and from Portland she is pedalling by herself down to San Francisco.

After a rainy yesterday it was sunny today, for a while, until we got to the cost were was pretty foggy. Hwy 101 was quite narrow here, windy. In the fog with only a limited visibility it wasn't very nice, but traffic was small and there was still good (sometimes quite narrow :-)) shoulder. Our hikes in the Redwoods had bad impact also to Baška's legs, one of her knees started to hurt.

After we passed through Big Lagoon, lost in the fog, full of reeds and birds, our lunch break was in Patricks Point State Park. Miracles happen a lot on our journey, and this was another example, because in one moment the fog disappeared and we had perfect view on the whole coast with amazing cliffs and rocks. Even Baška's knee hurt less and Brook called her warmshowers host for today and she was ok with hosting all three of us. So today was our first experience with warmshowers community and it was really amazing. When we arrived to McKinleyville it was nasty cold, wet and foggy weather again, dark already and city traffic. So when we got to the Michelle's house (our warmshowers host) it was like in the heaven. Michelle make a wonderful dinner for us, we did our laundry, took a shower and have nice conversation with our host.

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