Doobeda sme sa venovali ociste nasich spinavych tiel a veci v Bodega Dunes Campground, ale este po ceste tam sme sa pokochali pohladom na male zraloky snoriace na dne oceanu rovno pod utesmi, kde sme stali. Celkom dobry zazitok, ale takmer ho vytlacila do pozadia paradna horuca sprcha a chvilkovy pocit cistoty, nez sme nezacali opat odtacat kilometre na ceste do San Franciska. Tentoraz viedla cesta velkou oklukou vnutrozemim, cez vyprahnute pastviny, lesy tu boli vyklcovane uz pred davnou dobou a v tychto koncinach vsetko patrilo vsemocnym ranceriam. Presli sme cez zopar westernovych mesteciek ako Valley Ford ci Tomales. Vyprahnute pastviny posobili dost depresivne, viac sa nam pacilo, ked sme sa dostali spat k oceanu a krasnej zatoke Tomales. V miestnej restauracii sme nabrali vodu a zacali hladat miesto na spanie, ale vsade boli len nekonecne ploty z ostnateho drotu a nic vhodneho sme nenasli. Takze sme opat raz slapali az hlboko do noci az do Samuel P. Taylor State Park, co bol maly zbytok sekvojoveho lesa co sa tu nejakym zazrakom zachoval. Velke bolo nase prekvapenie, ked sme tu stretli Katie s Vinniem a Rachel s Timom. Privitali nas huronskym pokrikom a boli fakt nadseny ze sme sa opat stretli. Zvysok vecera sme sa s nimi rozpravali (vlastne len Baska, ja som robil veceru a piekol chleba) a bojovali sme s myvalmi, ktori uz stihli napachat nejake skody na Rachelinych zasobach, co uz ked bola leniva si ich dat do food boxu. Myvalovia jej uchmatli plnu tasku a zobrali si ju so sebou kdesi do lesa, uz ju nenasla.
Shower!!! But before we got there we saw small sharks in the ocean below cliffs. Than was the time to enjoy free hot shower in Bodega Dunes Campground. The feeling of the cleanes didn't last for long, because from Bodega Bay the Hwy 1 led us inland into dry hills with pastures and the temperature was really high. All around us were just ranches with pastures, the woods were cut down long time ago... This part of road was quite depresive, but the small towns like Valley Ford or Tomales reminded times of Wild West a little bit. But we liked the coast more and it was nice to got back to the ocean. Problem was that there wasn't any suitable place for the tent. So, again as yesterday we biked through the night in the freezing cold to Samuel P. Taylor State Park, which was piece of nice redwoods. Here was small surprise, at biker/hiker site we met again with Katie, Vinnie, Rachel and Tim. In the night we had again some fights with raccoons, they stolen Rachel's bag with food and took it to somewhere into the forest.
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