Dnes sme opustili podivuhodnu Scotiu a vyrazili na slnkom zaliatu "freeway", ale iba na chvilu, bo coskoro sme sa napojili na Aveniu of the Giants, co je cesta veduca relativne zachovalym pasom prastarych redwoodsov, sice iba uzky pas kopirujuci 101tku, ale aspon nieco. Cesta to bola pekna, pomedzi relative velikanske redwoodsi, ziadna premavka, krasne zjazdy, nevelmi strme kopce. Moznosti kulturneho (materialistickeho) vyzitia v miestnom megasuvenirshope, moznost pokochat sa pohladom na "nesmrtelny" strom, ktory prezil jednu z najvacsich povodni co tu pamataju, poziare a dokonca aj drevorubacske sekery, taktiez moznost urobit nejake sibnute foto v dutom kmeni jedneho z padlych velikanov.
S Brook sme sa rozlucili pri Humboldt Redwoods State Park, ona bohuzial musela upalovat do San Francisca, kde jej za 9 dni odlieta lietadlo domov (New Jersey). Ale bolo to zaroven lucenie aj vitanie, lebo sme tu stretli dalsich dvoch bajkerov z Kanady. Kiri a Chris (?) boli z Montreolu a isli z Vancouveru do San Francisca. Celkom vyborni hippici, Chris mal "cyklotasky" vyrobene z plastovych kyblov na macacie zradlo, celkom genialna myslieka, je to velmi jedoduche, lacne, dokonale nepremokave a dost odolne. Kedze tiez tahali na San Francisco (tiez Chrisovi letelo lietadlo), Brook sa pridala k nim a tak tahali spolu. Ale aj tak to bolo celkom tazke lucenie, s Brook sme sa stali celkom dobrymi kamaratmi za tie dva dni, hlavne Basku to celkom zobralo.
Ale trochu pomohlo ked sme sa vnorili do Humboldtovho Redwoods parku, tu tiez ostalo nieco z tych 5% povodnych redwo odsov, ktore nepadli na obet sekeram a pilam a to co tu ostalo su tie najvyssie stromy na svete. Kym padla tma, trochu sme si to tu poobzerali a potom prespali v opustenom "environmentalnom" kempe, co znamenalo, ze tu bolo miesto na stany, stol s lavicami a hlavne box na jedlo.
Today we left Scotia and its weird people and enjoyed the biking on nearly empty freeway. But very soon we left 101 and went through Aveniu of the Giants, which was nice stripe of the Redwoods, which still left here. With beautiful trees, gentle slopes and nice downhill ride. For more materialistic oriented people there was gigantic souvenirs shop, right next to "Immortal Tree", huge redwood which survived fires, at least one of the biggest floods, which white man remember and also, miraculously, loggers (loggerheads :-)). There was also oportuity to take some goofy pictures inside of hollow trunk of the one of fallen gigants.
Near Humboldt Redwoods State Park we had to say goodbye to Brook, we would like to visit this park, with the tallest redwoods in the world (a piece of that 5% of old grown redwoods, which still left untouched). Brook had to go to San Francisco, the rest of her trip was carefully planned, in 9 days she is flying back home to New Jersey. So, it was a sad moment for us to split up, but before we did it we met another couple on the bikes, Kiri and her friend (sorry, I forgot the name), they were from Canada (Montreol) and they are also heading down to San Fran. This guys were really cool pair of hippies (I mean it in the good way). I liked their panniers, made from the cat food's boxes, it is really good idea, simple, durable, waterproof and cheap. Very soon we were talking like the old friends and Brook joined them for the rest of her trip, so she wasn't alone. After moment of sadness that we are alone again, we cheered up between amazing trees of Humboldt Redwoods State Park. For today we stayed in "closed", environmental camp and enjoyed beautiful calm evening.
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